
Emily Zhang, the Human.

I believe design should embrace human nature and let people be people. Design should accept the strange, sometimes spontaneous, and often illogical way humans make decisions. In line with that, here I want you to get to know me less as Emily Zhang the Designer, but more as Emily Zhang the Human. Because at the end of the day all Designers are Human.


I graduated from the University of California, San Diego in under three years with a B.S. in Business Psychology and a minor in Design. I currently work as a UX Designer for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health Plan. Some of my strengths lie in my knowledge of and experience with marketing, judgement and decision making, scientific research, and human development to name a few.


I was the Vice President of the UCSD Dancesport Team, a competitive ballroom and latin dance group, during my final year of college. Through the team I’ve gained a new hobby, many new friends, and some shiny ribbons and medals. But, I’ve also acquired a deeper appreciation for the strength behind the artistry and incredible growth in my own leadership skills.

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I enjoy traveling. After graduating high school, I went on a solo trip to Japan and Korea which was an amazing experience. In part, this was thanks to my extremely detailed itinerary, down to where I ate meals, optimized for easy public transport between sightseeing destinations. Next on my list is Australia before it becomes a wasteland that is constantly on fire.

Note: however detailed an itinerary is, it is only a guideline--flexibility must be allowed when an extremely cute cat is spotted.

I like Kpop, anime, and manga. Some favorites include Kpop group BTS, animated film Grave of the Fireflies, and manga series Bungou Stray Dogs. The written word is incredibly powerful, but something about images and cinematography can add new dimens…

I like Kpop, anime, and manga. Some favorites include Kpop group BTS, animated film Grave of the Fireflies, and manga series Bungou Stray Dogs. The written word is incredibly powerful, but something about images and cinematography can add new dimensions to a story.

I used to play the piano and viola throughout middle and high school, which undoubtedly contributed to my affection for classical music. While I enjoyed my time as a violist, especially performing in Central Europe, I also suffered through being the…

I used to play the piano and viola throughout middle and high school, which undoubtedly contributed to my affection for classical music. While I enjoyed my time as a violist, especially performing in Central Europe, I also suffered through being the butt of many a viola joke. Enjoy this one by Jeffery Curnow!

I used to be on the Diving Team during high school and was co-captain my final year. I learned that belly flopping from a height of a little over a meter hurts more than expected. More importantly (debatable), I learned that pain doesn’t last and so…

I used to be on the Diving Team during high school and was co-captain my final year. I learned that belly flopping from a height of a little over a meter hurts more than expected. More importantly (debatable), I learned that pain doesn’t last and sometimes worrying doesn’t do you any good. You just have to go for it.